Thread: Auto Number
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Old 06-22-2005, 07:26 AM
LuffmanA LuffmanA is online now
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Join Date: 05-12-2005
Posts: 19

The ItemID will work for now.

The ultimate goal (for me) is to have a way to number each indent differently and have that number print in the header when the embedded document is printed (would be lovely if it worked for linked ones as well but there are many fewer of these in my database).

We have about 6 separate indents with many entries. We are compiling reference material and research which relates to our product lines. There will eventually be several hundred items in each indent, maybe more.

What I would love to see is when you create a new item (we're using custom templates within each indent), the child would look at the template and see that 'Research' articles start their auto number with 'R' (first number in the series being R00001, or whatever), and assign an auto number of R000## based on how many articles were previously entered into this indent.

I could make a custom attribute assigning a 'prefix' to each template (each template is used mainly in one indent only) and use the 'auto number' you mention to create the rest.

Is there a way to make a custom attribute that will concatenate the values of 2 other attributes?

Like I said, that would be the ultimate solution for my situation. I don't know how useful it will be to other UR users.

Until a way can be figured out to make this happen, I will turn on the feature you mentioned and use that.

Now, if we could just get it to print in the header......... ;-)

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