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Old 05-23-2005, 05:40 PM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,032
The Document template (or any derivative) can either link or store any document (either from the internet or local file).

The main reason to create derived (custom) templates is to add default Attributes, specify a different default Icon, or simply to provide an alternate way to "group" Info Items (based on their template).

All Info Items for a document (either based on a url or local/UNC path) can be based on the Document template (or a template derived from the Document template). This can include a PDF file (stored or linked). When you drag and drop, or copy and paste a pdf file (or any other file) onto an existing Info Item (such as your Articles folder item), if the Default Child Template is defined as a template derived from the Document template, then this will be the template used. If the Default Child Template is not a Document derived template, then the basic Document template will be used. Note: you can always change the template for Info Items after they are created to any other compatible template (compatible means based on the same Core template: Text, Document, Contact or Search)...

The stored info (text, graphics, and plain text) can either use the Text template, or any template derived from the Text template.

To answer your question regarding copying Attributes from one template (or Info Item) to another, you can derive a new template from an existing derived (custom) template, and the assigned attributes will "flow thru" to the new template. You can't, however, copy these Attribute assignments from one template (or Info Item) to an different one (we have added this capability to our todo list).
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