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Old 01-24-2005, 09:46 AM
ExtraLean ExtraLean is online now
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Join Date: 01-19-2005
Posts: 46
Originally posted by kinook
So Alt+P, T isn't good enough, eh? Which pane(s) context menu would you use this from?
Well, actually, let me tell you what I'm trying to accomplish and what is being done. Perhaps this will lead to a better solution...

I like to use Courier New font, size 10. So I've set both font settings to this font/size on the Editor tab of the Options dialog. When I copy text from, say, Outlook Express and paste (normal paste, Ctrl+V) it always pastes as Times New Roman size 12. This is not even the font that I'm using in Outlook Express!

So how I want it to paste in is using the font I've set in the Options dialog, not the "default?" of Times New Roman 12. One "workaround" I've found that works is to Paste special as Text.

So, to answer your question, if UR cannot be modified to paste using the current document's font, then the context menu I'm referring to would be the right-click menu of the item details document iteself (the editor window). Alt-P just brings up the menu, I'd prefer a way to just paste it in as text without the additional step that Alt-P requires (Unless of course you can come up with a way for it to just work when I (normal) paste it in, that would be the best solution!)

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