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Old 03-12-2014, 09:11 AM
FlagTech FlagTech is online now
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Join Date: 02-27-2014
Posts: 17
OK, I see. Pasting from the clipboard works fine: if the contents of a text file containing three lines of text is copied to the clipboard, then pasted into the Data Explorer pane, it comes in as a new Item containing 3 lines of text and the tree node named the same as the 1st line.

The File > Import instructions you linked to were confusing to me initially. I didn't get that two carriage returns need to be entered in the String Delimiter box to make it work; I see that now.

FYI: another automation feature that would help, is if there were an option to automatically change the node name whenever the 1st line of the text changes in a note. That's how ISW works, and it's really handy.... If I start writing an article an article about citrus fruits, with the title "Citrus Fruits of the World", then change my mind and re-title it "Growing Kumquats for Fun and Profit", the node name would automatically to reflect the change.

This need to change node names happens often. I have various lists contained fully within single notes. Often the content and purpose of the list begins to change, so I re-title it to reflect that change. It would help if the tree reflected the change as well.
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