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Old 01-01-2013, 04:09 AM
Dormouse Dormouse is online now
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Join Date: 11-18-2008
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by Dormouse View Post
Actually, I visit this forum very rarely (maybe once a year or less). I did visit recently when I realised that there was a v5, skimmed a few posts but did not read many very attentively because they just seemed uninformatively negative about an upgrade being made available or their wishes for development not being met. And, I'm afraid that I haven't read any of your posts in detail at all - they are just too long and too verbose.
Originally Posted by schferk View Post
"I make substantial use of any tips etc available on the forums."

Well, that's called consumerism, yes? And of course I thought it safe to deduct more than just casual reading was a prerogative to "make substantial use of any tips etc available". My fault.

Kinook has given a number of very informative tips and given instructions on dealing with specific problems. I have always found them by specific searching (usually with Google, as it might throw up something from elsewhere). Did it a lot when I was first finding my way around UR some years ago, and very rarely indeed since - partly because I haven't had any problems, and partly because I have not been using UR extensively.

Using the forum as a support repository is not at all the same as reading the forum attentively.
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