Thread: Version 5.0
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Old 06-12-2012, 09:12 AM
$bill $bill is online now
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Join Date: 09-14-2006
Posts: 210
Happy to upgrade!

Yes I am a happy upgrader!

Why? UR is a robust, mature, reliable product as it stands. I want it to be supported and kept current...(remember that Firefox and Chrome browser seem to change versions everyday, Windows 8 and next MS Office will be out soon). I recognize that the costs to do this are substantial. I am happy to contribute $0.05 per day ($50 over 3 yr upgrade cycle) for the value I get from UR.

I agree with igoldsmid's expectation that additional new features may be released soon. The history of UR releases in 4.0 supports that viewpoint. I hope that my upgrade purchase will encourage them to do so.