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Old 07-29-2010, 01:35 PM
Roaster Roaster is online now
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Join Date: 08-01-2007
Posts: 51
Hi Kyle,

I've just built this project and it outputs 'Unzulssige gelscht' w/o the German Umlauts.
I'm running Windows XP German with German keyboard layout and codepage (at command prompt) is set to 850 by default.

When now running the given german.exe in a command prompt it shows 'Unzulõssige gel÷scht'.

This does not change either when using:

chcp 1252

again I get 'Unzulõssige gel÷scht'.

I get the same output when using codepage 437 (chcp 437) on my Windows XP.

When using copy and paste from provided source file german.cpp into a command prompt of Windows XP the Umlauts are correct.
Perhaps I should mention that I've installed Asian fonts in Windows XP to test my Delphi application for Unicode capability.

My second installation, running Windows 7, too, has got CP 850 by default.
However, running german.exe in a Windows 7 command prompt, no additional fonts and Asian support installed, just shows 'Unzulõssige gel÷scht' again.

So IMO it has nothing to do with those installed additional language support.
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