Originally posted by kinook
As mentioned, you would need to direct MSBuild questions/issues to Microsoft.
Dea Sir,
It seems that problem (at least what I am having) has nothing todo with Microsoft rather it seems to be a very specifc problem to Visual Build 7.2 version.
When I compile my Sln file with MSBUILD (Command Line - Msbuild aa.sln) everything compiles fine however when I create an VS 2008 event in Visual Build 7.2 to compile the same project, I get the error "refernced dll not found" though the DLL is being copied in the pre-determined destination location.
The command VisualBuild 7.2 create for an VS 2008 event for a solution compilation is
msbuild.exe W:\Foldr1\foldr2\project.sln /t:rebuild /p:Configuration=Release "/p:Platform=Any CPU" /maxcpucount
if you run ABOVE command with MSBUILD on COMMAND LINE , this command also generate the same "referenced DLL not found error"
hence it seems there is an issue with implementation of VS2008 event in Visual Build.