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Old 08-05-2009, 02:20 PM
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Re: Bump

Originally posted by HalfCyborg
I'd just like to add my personal bump (+1) to this feature request.

I ALWAYS have UR open when I'm browsing the web. If I see anything of interest that I might like to refer to later (or maybe just read later), I click on the UR icon in the browser to import the page into UR.

I start a new database about every three months, because on a new, empty database, the imports are virtually instantaneous. Once the database gets up around 300-500 MB, the imports get really, really slow.

I've got some fantastic reference articles stored up over the last couple of years (mostly programming topics), and I would LOVE to be able to search them all at the same time. Instead, I find myself saying, "Now what month was I reading about that, I know I saved it in one of these databases..."

Another reason to create multiple databases for "bulk data" like this is to facilitate differential backups. Only my "current" database needs regular backups, the "legacy" databases from previous months have long since been burned to DVDs. If I kept everything in one DB, it would currently be over 12GB in size (which I'd have to back up every day - bleech). If I could only search them without opening them one-by-one...
I'm still not convinced
You can keep everything but the latest one in a single DB (which you wouldn't need to back up every day) ... and you'd need to search only two DBs, the current one, and your "legacy" one, and only in the case that you are sure that it's not in the current one ... ;-)

What we need, IMHO, is to be able to run external searches on the UR databases. Did you ever try to find sth on your 12GB repository? Say "operator overloading" ... you'd need to play a long time to really find what you want, because you could either search for exact phrase, or for single keywords. But these keywords could be very far from each other, and you'd get items that are not what you really want. Also, UR's search won't recognize how many times are the keywords found, so when you get 100 hits, you don't know which one is the most probable you are looking for ... and many many other features that proper search programs offer.

That's the reason why non-essential stuff is only linked to UR in my case. I'm 100000% sure you'd do better if all your websites that you accumulated are just in the standard Windows directories that are indexed with one of the powerful search index engines that UR cannot compete with.

Last edited by quant; 08-05-2009 at 02:33 PM.
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