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Old 04-22-2009, 05:00 PM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,032
You can advance the dates within searches using SQLite.

First, identify the ItemIDs of your search items:
1) Ensure Tools | Options | Attributes | ItemID is checked
2) Select a search item and determine its ItemID value in the Item Attributes pane (Ctrl+4)

Second, determine the AttributeIDs of the date attributes to be updated:
1) Go to Tools | Attributes and display the ID column (right-click the column header and choose ID)
2) Locate the date attribute(s) and observe their IDs

Then run SQLite3.exe (see and enter a SQL statement like this to advance all the date attributes of the searches by one day:

UPDATE FilterRow SET Value=Value+1 WHERE ItemID IN (1026,1027) AND ObjectID IN (1,2,969);

In the example above, 1026,1027 are the ItemIDs of two advanced search items I tested with, and 1,2,969 are the AttributeIDs of the Date Created, Date Modified, and Due Date attributes.

Change +1 to +7 to advance by one week or +30 (or +31 or +28, depending on the current month) to advance by one month.
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