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Old 05-09-2008, 10:15 AM
ShiamakD ShiamakD is online now
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Reading a value of Macro from a external file


Is there a way to read a value of macro defined in a file.

i have a header file something like this
#define STR_PRODUCT_NAME "Test Dummy Software"// for "ProductName"
#define STR_BUILD_NUMBER "" // for "FileVersion"/"ProductVersion" NN is being excluded for this demo
#define STR_APP_VERSION "1.0" // Test Dummy About box
#define szAppBuildNumber _T("(Build") // for About dialogs
#define szAppBuildDate "2020080208"// numeric, 10-digit build ID
#define STR_COMPANY_NAME "Siemens HealthCare Diagnostics" // for "CompanyName"
#define szAppCompanyName _T( STR_COMPANY_NAME )// IDC_APP_COMPANY_NAME
#define STR_COPYRIGHT "Copyright © Siemens HealthCare Diagnostics 2008. All Rights Reserved" // for "LegalCopyright"
#define szAppCopyright _T( STR_COPYRIGHT ) // for About dialogs

Where different strings gets updated at the BUILD time, what i wanna do is create a macro in my Visual Build script then read the VALUE of macro defined/updated in my file then allocate the READ value to my visual build macro and then use it for PROPERTIES section of Make VS 2005 .

To make myself more clear , lets say STR_szAppBuildNumber in my exteral file hold the value of build number that changes everyday, now I would like to read this value of szAppBuildNumer string and allocate this value to a MACRO defined within VisualBuild script , and then use the VisualBuild macro to assing this value to CONFIGURATIOn of PROPERTIES?

Is it possible?

Also does VisualBuild allows a user to ADD additional property strings (in C# its is called assemblyAttributes).

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