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Old 12-12-2007, 09:20 AM
ianh ianh is offline
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 9
Thanks for your effort sorting this out. As far as I can see it works fine now.

One situation you can still lose some editing is if you have a doc opened externally in word, then exit UR with the document still open. In this case it seems UR will be updated only to the last time the document was saved in word. This seems pretty reasonable behaviour though.

When the doc is then closed in word it will still prompt to save the outstanding changes and go ahead with the save without any warnings, but I've no idea where the changes are saved to as neither the local copy or the UR copy subsequently seems to be fully up to date. I guess word just makes a new temp file, then deletes it when it exits. Or maybe writes it happily to the old UR temp file, but when UR opens again it discards it.
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