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Old 10-01-2007, 06:18 PM
janrif janrif is offline
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Originally posted by dasymington
Thanks, janrif. Yes, I'm very reluctant to reset. I think I'll just live with the Imported Items duplicated under a random text item, even although it looks stupid.

I can't understand why, as Imported Items managed to get linked somewhere else, I can't just delete the link.
I don't know if you noticed my edited post. After an URp close / reopen, I was able to drag / drop Import to 'All Data'. Then I discovered I had two 'Imported' branches which may have been confused URp so I deleted the one that I could. Now everything is in the right place but, like you, I still don't know how it got there.

Jon's post refers to certain situations in which this mysterious move could occur & thiose situations matched mine. Kinook posted it was fixed in the current version. I hope this is true but I'm not convinced yet altho I do think he/they solved a lot of the buglets that were plaguing URp recently.
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