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Old 09-24-2007, 10:54 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: A Few UR Questions

Originally posted by mikeg
2. How can I add an hour or minute reminder to the existing Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc. reminders?
You could snooze the reminder for x minutes/hours each time it reminds.

3. How can I modify a template such as Journal Entry to automatically use the current datetime (in a format I choose) as the item name and also the first line (heading) inside the item?
Use Alt+Z (Edit | Insert Date+Time) to insert a new Journal Entry (set Default Child Template of parent item to Journal Entry), then Alt+Z again to insert the date/time into the detail area. Configure the format used at Tools | Options | Miscellaneous.

4. It's nice being able to drag a Website URL from IE onto an item in UR and have it automatically create a child item that opens the URL. However, when I try to do the same thing with a folder in Windows Explorer it doesn't work. Instead I have to create a text document with a hyperlink in it. Is hyperlink my only option?
Dragging a folder into UR imports that folder (and children). To create an item linked just to the folder, here are a couple ways:
1) Use File | Import | A folder and check 'Don't import files (just create a link to the folder in UR)'; you can drag/drop the folder from Explorer onto the 'Folder to import' field.

2) Insert a new Folder item, select it, add a URL attribute, and drag/drop the folder onto that attribute

Add *folder to 'Tools | Options | Browser | File extensions to display in internal browser view' to show folder contents in the detail pane.

5. UR spell check does not seem to recognize an em dash, so everywhere an em dash is used spell check combines it with the two adjacent words and flags the result as a misspelled word. Any way to fix this?
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