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Old 08-23-2007, 05:40 PM
ambalboa ambalboa is online now
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Join Date: 06-25-2007
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 70
Finally, I did it.

On Wise, I placed "%_VERSION_%" on the version field, created it on the Compiler Variables page, unchecked 'Do not prompt for value' (did nothing else) and checked the 'Compiling from Command Line.' VBP is now creating the Setup.EXE and setting (before incrementing with a previous step) the file version every time. On the Property field in the 'Wise Setup' action step, I declare the _VERSION_ value, which is basically adding it to the command line, and its Value is a macro with the updated version number. So that's how I did it.

Weird thing is, the success of the build isn't as consistent as I would expect. Seems to me that it fails almost as much as it builds successfully; especially when running it on its own by using the 'Scheduled Task.' Works fine when building that step only. I'm using Wise Installation System 9. Thanks for your help.
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