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Old 08-19-2007, 01:03 AM
Semanticum Semanticum is online now
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Yeah, the good old days with ADM when we were young...
I am happy that my initial setup was not completeley off-target.

Here are my comments and ideas:

"The idea of storing the older versions at the bottom & working up makes all kinds of sense. Question is how are you accomplishing this since UR doesn't allow insert parent. Are you placing versions manually?"
--- Yes, with copy & paste. I know, it's not high-tech. I think the better solution is to throw all article versions in to one folder the same level and the columns to he parent of all the article childs.

"The other thing is that I wonder if the versions need to be in the outline because user could add a version column in item chld items & sort that way....; doesn't look as pretty but may work. Or both"
--- Absolutely! Your suggestion takes less work and you are not adding redundant information. I had a column layout in mind for the child items but did not implement it.

"I think I would create a list of versions & add 'Final" as part of that list"
--- A very good idea! Much butter than adding "final" to the status.

"In 'Status' I would add 'Idea" to your list so it would be:


--- Another good idea and very important for writing.

"# of words (sometimes editors assign & pay by # of words)"
I am repeating myself: Sure a "must be" on the form.

"Graphic or photos (especially for travelogue article). Don't know if this should be something where links could be added as children..... or something"
--- I would add the pics as a folder to the article and throw all pics into that folder. Or do you would like to add the pic's file names into a field on the form? I have added a new field on the form for adding the pic's names used in the article.

See the attached zip file including the improved version.

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