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Old 08-13-2007, 04:49 PM
intermagic intermagic is online now
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Posts: 11
How to get formatted text from Perfect Keyboard to UR

Hi cnewtonne,

can you please provide us with some more information about how you use Perfect Keyboard to insert formatted text into UR? I checked the Perfect Keyboard Website and tried the software - it seems to be a very powerful tool. But I don't know how to get my formatted text for example from MS Word to a macro for permanently usage. I found only the possibility to read from and write to clipboard, but the clipoboard content changes very often and I want to paste my formatted text(s) only...

By the way, I found a tool called "Perfect Menu" on the Pitrinec Website. With this tool are you able to use your macros within a (new or extended) right click menu within specific applications - for example within UR. This could be very useful for inserting formatted texts (styles) without the need to define (and to remember ;-) keyboard shortcuts...

Thanks and bye

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