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Old 08-01-2007, 01:00 PM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 517
OL Sync: How does it handle item deletions?

Dear Kinook,
I spend a good hour trying to understand how does UR handle OL sync when you delete OL items. I tested these scenarios and none has worked the way it is documented (unless I'm missing something)...

- I deleted an item from UR with and without 'shift' key, synced from within UR. The item always came back in UR and OL and never made it to OL 'deleted items'.

- I deleted item from within OL with and without shift and sync'd from within UR. Item made it back to both places.

So, I a nutshell, deleting an item in either places will bring it back to both of them. The document states that ...

Note: When Info Items linked to Outlook objects or local files are permanently Deleted using Shift+Del or Ctrl+Shift+Del, the corresponding external objects are also deleted to the Outlook "Deleted Items folder" / Windows Explorer "Recycle Bin" respectively...

But I could not get UR to function as described above.
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