View Full Version : other languages

11-22-2004, 04:33 AM

do you plan to translate ultra recall to other languages ?

i'm from germany and would prefer to use a translated version
oft the software :)

ps. if you need help translating ultra recall feel free to contact me

11-23-2004, 02:28 PM
Yes, we do intend to support additional languages, and we have designed Ultra Recall from the beginning with this requirement in mind.

However, this will require some additional work and testing to achieve, which is on our list of future enhancements for Ultra Recall.

When we get to the point of needing the text for Ultra Recall translated, we will certainly be open to the assistance of users like yourself.

11-24-2004, 03:22 AM
would be a pleasure to contribute to translate ultra recall to german ;)

12-30-2006, 01:40 AM
>> push >>

Is the intention to translate UltraRecall (to german) still in your mind?

Would be a pleasure for me too to contribute (translating)...