View Full Version : Set version number for a C++ project built under VS .NET

11-09-2004, 11:28 AM
I have a mix of VS6.0 C++ projects and VS .NET C++ projects.

It seemed simple enough to set the version number of the VS6.0 C++ projects using the VSMAKE call and passing it the
/setver x.x.x parameter.

When building C++ projects under VS .NET, I use DEVENEV to build the binaries but DEVENV does not take the /setver parameter.

How do I accomplish setting the version number of a binary built with VS .NET? I am using VisualBuild v3.6c.

11-10-2004, 08:05 AM
Visual Build 3.x does not have support for building VS.NET projects/solutions; Visual Build Pro does.