View Full Version : Version 9.0

07-08-2015, 08:34 PM
Released on <b>July 8, 2015</b>

<b>New Features</b><br>
<li>Support for Windows 10.
<li>Modeless properties pane for editing step and macro properties (<i>View | Properties Window</i>).
<li>Build profiles to choose which sets of steps are built (<i>Step | Properties | General</i> tab, Build toolbar, /profile command-line flag).
<li>Command to open a Command Prompt or PowerShell console to the selected folder (<i>View | Shell</i> menu; configured at <i>Tools | User Options | Miscellaneous</i>).
<li>Option to remember previous step selections when opening projects (<i>Tools | User Options | Projects/Steps</i>) -- default to unchecked* [VisBuildPro.exe]

<li><b>GUI App</b>: 1) Support code completion in Script Editor in 64-bit edition; 2) Support drag+drop of files, text, and URLs onto Step Properties and Macro Properties dialog edit controls; 3) Improved parsing of filenames for <i>View | Shell</i> commands in Output pane; 4) Include macro type in Action column of Step pane for Set Macro action; 5) Truncate long macro values to prevent slow refresh; 6) By default, hide actions with no registered file assocations (right-click in Actions pane and choose Show Hidden to display).
<li><b>Watches</b> pane: 1) Sort properties case-insensitive; 2) Option to format standard property values (<i>Tools | User Options | Display</i>); 3) Expanded value shown in tooltip instead of separate Value column; 4) Additional context menu items; 5) Refresh pane when property changes.
<li>Text and XML file loggers: Cache writes to improve performance.
<li>Encrypt step properties and macros using AES-256.
<li>Support for .NET Framework 4.5.2 and 4.6.
<li>Object model: 1) Additional option for specifying SyncBuildEx process options (UseProfileOptionWithSyncBuildEx); 2) Make Step.Action property writeable; 3) Add Step.Property2 property for creating encrypted values; 4) Limit length of strings parsed for macros and script that can slow down builds; 5) Application options to define timeout for expanding macros and script in tooltips (MacroExpandTooltipTimeout) and during build (MacroExpandBuildTimeout).
<li>Re-open last project when called from the Visual Studio add-in if Tools | User Options | General | Reload last project at startup is checked.*[ VisBuildPro.exe]
<li>Visual Studio add-ins (VS 2008+): If a .bld file is saved in the same path as the .sln file with the same base name (i.e., c:\full\path\xyz.bld and c:\full\path\xyz.sln), the add-in will open that .bld file instead of opening the previous .bld file (or creating a new project) and inserting a new step for the .sln file.*

<b>New Actions</b><br>
<li>Make VS 2015
<li>Manifest Generator

<b>Action Enhancements</b><br>
<li>File processing actions: 1) Performance improvements; 2) Automatic support for extended-length paths.
<li>Various actions: 1) Resize fields to width of dialog; 2) Resize Name column of grids with dialog.
<li><b>7-Zip</b> action: Support v15.
<li><b>Advanced Installer</b> action: Support v12.
<li><b>Call Subroutine</b> action: Resize Subroutine field and Name column with dialog.
<li><b>ClearCase</b> action: Support additional commands.
<li><b>Copy Files</b> action: 1) Support multiple destination folders (Options tab); 2) Default new steps to not copy hidden or system files.
<li><b>Delete Files</b> action: Option to not delete root folder.
<li><b>Delphi/RAD Studio/C++Builder</b> action: Support XE7, XE8, and 10*. [VisBuildAct.dll]
<li><b>Document! X</b> action: Support v2015.
<li><b>Dr.Explain</b> action: Support v5.
<li><b>Enhanced Zip Files</b> action: Support Deflate64, XZ, JPEG, and WavPack compression methods (and also Best option to use best method).
<li><b>Enhanced Unzip Files</b> action: Support XZ, JPEG, and WavPack compression methods.
<li><b>Fast-Help</b> action: Support v8.
<li><b>Flare</b> action: Support v11.
<li><b>FTP</b> action: Support additional options (Options tab).
<li><b>Git</b> action: Support v2.
<li><b>Gradle</b> action: Support v2.
<li><b>Help &amp; Manual</b> action: Support v7.
<li><b>HelpStudio</b> action: Support v2015.
<li><b>Inno Setup</b> action: 1) Ability to auto-locate Inno Setup compiler even if .iss extension associated with another program (i.e., Inno Script Studio or ISTool); 2) Up/Down buttons for definitions on Project tab.
<li><b>InstallAnywhere</b> action: Support v2014.
<li><b>InstallAware</b> action: Support X2.
<li><b>InstallShield</b> action: 1) Support v2015; 2) Support building multiple configurations (Project tab); 3) Up/Down buttons for properties on MSI tab.
<li><b>Loop</b> action: Support iterating over Scripting.Dictionary objects.
<li><b>MSBuild</b> action: Support v12.
<li><b>NDepend</b> action: Support v6.
<li><b>NUnit</b> action: Support v3.
<li><b>Perforce</b> action: Support v2014 and 2015.
<li><b>Process Files</b> action: Option to fail the step if no matching files found.
<li><b>Read File</b> action: Option to convert null bytes to spaces for reading binary files (File tab).
<li><b>RoboHelp</b> action: Support v11 and v12.
<li><b>Run Program</b> action: 1) Additional options when creating processes with credentials; 2) Use interactive desktop option (Advanced tab).
<li><b>SourceAnywhere</b> action: Support v6.
<li><b>StarTeam</b> action: Support v14.3.
<li><b>Surround SCM</b> action: Support v2015.
<li><b>Team Build/Team Foundation/Team Test</b> actions: Support v2015.
<li><b>Transform XML Log</b> action: Option to format (indent) XML document (Transform tab).
<li><b>Vault</b> action: Support v8.
<li><b>VirtualBox</b> action: Support v5.
<li><b>VMware Player</b> action: Support v7.
<li><b>VMware Workstation</b> action: Support v11.
<li><b>Write File</b> action: Add line/column indicator to File tab.

<b>Bug Fixes</b><br>
<li><b>GUI App</b>: 1) Rebuild selected on non-contiguous selection containing Call Subroutine steps builds non-selected steps; 2) Prevent multiple steps from getting highlighted when stepping, stopping, and starting build from cursor; 3) Error when restarting build while single-stepping; 4) Double-clicking on macro icon in Macros pane did not open properties dialog.
<li><b>GUI App</b>: Tools | Create Scheduled Task included temporary macros twice.* [VisBuildPro.exe]
<li><b>Builder</b> component: Credentials specified in SyncBuildEx not honored.
<li><b>Dr.Explain</b> action: Fix for building of multiple formats.
<li>File processing actions: 1) Attributes not checked when no path specified; 2) Fix for advanced file matching boundary condition that did not match correctly.
<li><b>PowerShell</b> action: 1) For remote calls, reference temporary .ps1 script as local filename to avoid 'AuthorizationManager check failed' error; 2) Add None option to Input format and Output format fields on Options tab (Input format of None is required to avoid PowerShell hangs (https://serverfault.com/questions/437504/why-does-psexec-hang-after-successfully-running-a-powershell-script) on remote calls).* [VisBuildAct.dll]