View Full Version : Version 5.4

05-23-2004, 03:11 PM
Released on <b>May 25, 2004</b>

New Features & Enhancements

<li><B>GAC Install</B> action: Ensure AssemblyFolders registry key exists when adding key for specified folder.
<li><B>InstallShield</B> action: Add support for InstallShield X.
<li><B>Make VS.NET</B> action: 1) Add support for .NET Compact Framework (smart device) projects; 2) Support building all solution configurations or multiple solution configurations matching regular expression; 3) Support setting and incrementing properties and versions in individual resource and assembly attribute files.
<li><B>Perforce</B> action: 1) Add option to not capture step output (on Global Options tab); 2) Support opened command across all changeslists by entering changelist of *; 3) Use correct syntax for describe command when specifying changelist.
<li><B>Subroutine Call</B> action: Support passing more parameters to subroutines (16 instead of 8).
<li><B>Vault</B> action: Add support for new Vault v2 features.
<li><b>VS.NET Get Version</b> action: Support getting versions from individual resource and assembly attribute files.
<li><B>Write to File</B> action: Support making read-only file writeable before appending/overwriting.
<li>GUI App: 1) Support right dragging of steps to move/copy, with context menu on drop; 2) Support keyboard shortcuts for expanding/collapsing all nodes in Macros tab (Ctrl+Shift+0 and Ctrl+Shift+1); 3) Enhancements to opening of filename at cursor position in configured viewer (see 'viewer' in help index); 4) Expand macros and evaluate script when viewing, launching, or deleting log filename in Project Properties and Application Options dialogs and when adding temporary macros to command creating Scheduled Tasks for current project; 5) Remember last displayed tab in Project Properties dialog; 6) Refresh Global Steps tab when loaded from script during a build.
<li>Samples: Added ContinuousIntegration.bld sample demonstrating continuous integration builds for SourceSafe and Perforce.
<li>System Scripts: Add date/time functions vbld_ParseFormattedDate, vbld_FormatDateD, vbld_FormatTimeT, and vbld_FormatDateTimeD.
<li>Installer: Show version on opening screen of install, in install executable's version info, and in title of Add/Remove Programs entry.

Bug Fixes

<li><B>Make VB6</B> action: 1) Fix for handling of reference type libs within project group with version numbers > 9; 2) Use unique output filename for VB6 error file to support parallel builds.
<li><B>Make VS.NET</B> action: 1) Match configuration names without case sensitivity; 2) Handle $(ConfigurationName) reference in VC project target executable path.
<li><b>Run Program</b> action: Fail the step if error occurs opening or reading filename specified on Input tab.
<li>Fix to log non-ASCII characters properly.
<li>Build component: 1) FAILSTEP_* system macros were not populated if build failed to due an undefined macro or error in script expression; 2) Honor 'ignore failure' option with errors expanding macros or script expressions; 3) Support recursive script evaluation.
<li>GUI App: 1) Fix display of About dialog with < 96DPI display settings; 2) Don't use spaces in name for macros copied in the macros grid; 3) Fix problem where child process did not always exit when chained.