View Full Version : Version 7.5a

04-07-2010, 03:29 PM
Released on <b>April 7, 2010</b>

<li><b>GUI</b> app: Options to automatically refresh panes and show tool tips during build (<i>Tools | User Options | Display</i>).
<li>Object model: Option to use UTF-8 conversions for improved capture of Unicode console output (requires Windows Vista or later). To enable this feature, call <i>Application.Options.UseUTF8ForConsoleApps = True</i> in a Run Script action.

<b>Action Enhancements</b>
<li><b>Bazaar</b> action: Add plugins, pull, and push commands.
<li><b>Flare</b> action: Support v6.
<li><b>NAnt</b> action: Support v0.90.
<li><b>NCover</b> action: Support v3.
<li><b>NDepend</b> action: Support v3.

<b>Bug Fixes</b>
<li><b>Builder</b> component: Type mismatch error with script expression returning a variant array.
<li><b>GUI</b> app: 1) All macros in Macros pane sometimes selected when opening a project; 2) Some system macro values not shown in Macros and Watches panes.
<li><b>Batch File</b> and <b>PowerShell</b> actions: Quote parameters containing commas.
<li><b>Make VS 2010</b> action: 1) Errors when building some .vcxproj files; 2) Update of output dir not working for C++ projects; 3) Support for .dbproj and .fsproj project files.
<li><b>Perforce</b> action: Revert unchanged option before submit command not always working (if p4 outputs <i>File(s) not opened anywhere</i> instead of <i>File(s) not opened on this client</i>).
<li><b>Strong Name Tool</b> action: Recompute hashes option for re-sign commands.
<li><b>UNZIP/ZIP Files</b> actions: Support .tgz file extension.