View Full Version : Item Attribute in Item Attribute Explorer not sticky

09-05-2009, 04:26 AM
I created a new Attribute called Rank and assigned it to a Category called Document.

What I wanted to do was to rank some of the webpages I saved.

In my Data Explorer Pane, I have a folder called Inbox to which all my saved webpages goes into.

No matter what I do, I could not get this new Item Attribute called Rank to always display in the Item Attributes Pane (Crtl + 4) irrespective of whether an item has that attribute.

It will only display if I previously had assigned a value to the Rank attribute (or at least specially added that attribute to that Item even without a value in the Item Attribute pane).

But if I shift the focus to a sibling, this Rank attribute no longer display in the Item Attribute Pane.

That is, if I wish to enter a value into the Item Attribute called Rank, I would have to press INS, choose Rank and hit enter in the Item Attribute Pane.

I must be missing something here.

09-05-2009, 05:13 AM
you need to add the attribute to "Document" template item.

I think you might be confused because the attribute category has the same name as template item ("Document" in this case). But those are two completely different things ...

09-05-2009, 05:38 AM
Thanks Quant.

It is fixed now.

Much appreciated.