View Full Version : Search Inside Tables

01-29-2009, 02:34 PM
I don't recall this being an issue in the past, but today I suddenly find search does not find terms that are inside a table. But if I copy the search term from inside a cell and paste it anywhere outside the table, search can find it.

I'm using quick search with no options checked. The search term is located in a text item. UR Pro 3.5c

01-29-2009, 03:53 PM
That works ok in our tests.

01-30-2009, 09:49 AM
Thanks. I'll have to submit a full report when I get some time. Is it possible to move this thread to the troubleshooting section?

Meanwhile, I have found that search does work for me regardless of whether terms are inside a table -- except for this one particular "bad" table. Even then, terms in all rows of the table up to row 37 can be searched while all terms in the remaining 2 rows (plus one new row I added as a test) are invisible to search!

More details:
(1) Table is 40 rows, 5 columns.
(2) Copied and pasted table to new text item--search works!
(3) Search also worked in newly created test table of 50 rows.
(4) This text item is linked (may or may not be relevant).
(5) Search terms copied outside and below the table are visible.