View Full Version : SnagIt Captures

09-12-2008, 05:32 AM
I am using Windows Vista. I have a problem involving SnagIt 9.1 and UR 3.5b. Whenever I try to copy and paste a SnagIt capture into a blank text child in UR, everything freezes up, and I have to exit the program.

When I reopen UR, the capture is pasted in the text child safe and sound. It goes without saying that it is time consuming to have to do this after each capture!

If I recall correctly, this didn't occur before I upgraded to 3.5b, but I could be mistaken. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I hope this has nothing to do with the wretched riched20.dll, which I have struggled with previously.

09-12-2008, 06:45 AM
It is a riched20.dll problem.
