View Full Version : Is there a way to create a simpler interface mode for non-techie users?

08-13-2008, 08:40 PM
UR looks very cool. Many little details well thought out.

I'd like to use this for a knowledgebase for our company but I'm concerned that there is too much info being show to the causual user who will only be entering information and will NOT be:
-changing the structure (creating/moving things around)
-modifying the templates
-changing the searches.

In fact, we don't want these users to see that stuff b/c they also might *change* something (which might be a mess).

I see that there are Layout options.

For example: If the user clicks on a SEARCH I only want them to see the RESULTS, not the search itself (which might confuse them or be altered by them)

Any ideas?

08-14-2008, 07:12 AM
Searches could be locked (last checkbox on search form). Then they would need to be unlocked before they could be modified.

Templates and other structure in the tree could be hidden by hoisting (http://www.kinook.com/UltraRecall/Manual/hoisting.htm) or by using this technique: http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?threadid=2988

For users that only need to read and not edit the database, they could install and use the Viewer (http://www.kinook.com/UltraRecall/viewer.html) instead of the full app.