View Full Version : Help!: Export linked items causes unwanted multiple file copies

06-12-2008, 04:40 PM
One of the key features of UR is logical linking.

However, when Exporting Documents and Item Rich Text to a Folder, this causes multiple copies of the same actual files (as opposed to windows shortcuts) to be exported to the degree any file is logically linked.

Is there a way to have UR export only one actual copy of any file, and all other logical links as windows shortcuts?

Perhaps, I guess, this may be difficult as how would UR "know" which was the original Item from which all the related logical links were created?


06-12-2008, 05:38 PM
No. Windows shortcuts are not equivalent to UR logical linking. With Vista, Windows does now support something akin to logical links (called symbolic links (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link)), but it has some limitations, and older versions of Windows don't support it.