View Full Version : Searching for Linked Items (redux)

02-07-2008, 03:37 PM
There is a thread by this same title from 2005, but it doesn't shed light on my question.

I've inadvertently linked a Folder inside a rather large database, but searching on the Item Title only turns up one search result - which makes sense when dealing with linked items (there really is only one instance of the Item all the rest are virtual).

But how do I find these phantoms?

If this has been answered before, my apologies, I tried searching thru the forum but can't seem to narrow the phrasology to something meaningful.

02-07-2008, 03:51 PM
If the item is logically linked in multiple locations, select the item, and the Item Parents pane (Ctrl+6) will show all the locations. Double-click on one of the parents, then select the Folder child item and Shift+Del to delete that logical link.

Alternatively, add the Lineage column to the Search Results pane. All logically links of the item will be shown; select and delete as desired (use Shift+Del to delete permanently instead of to Recycle Bin).

02-07-2008, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by kinook
If the item is logically linked in multiple locations, select the item, and the Item Parents pane (Ctrl+6) will show all the locations. Double-click on one of the parents, then select the Folder child item and Shift+Del to delete that logical link.
That did the trick, thanks for the insight.