View Full Version : Renaming Icons

12-12-2007, 05:52 AM
Does anyone know if it is possible to rename Icons?

I have some long obscure names for some of my icons, which came from when they were originally imported, which I would like to change.

12-12-2007, 06:43 AM
would it help if you rename the *.ico file names?

12-12-2007, 11:38 AM
You could use SQLite to update the database, something like:

UPDATE Icon SET FileExtension = ".xyz" WHERE FileExtension = "ObsureIconName.ico";


12-13-2007, 03:25 AM
Thanks, Janrif, some of the icons have been automatically imported when I have added an info item from a web page so am unsure where the .ico files would be.

Kinook, I will give this a try, Thanks