View Full Version : key attribute & keywords

10-30-2007, 08:02 AM
I added a keyword to an item & I thought wouldn't it be nice if I was able to do this thru a form instead of <CTRL>K so I searched attributes to look for keyword. -- no luck.

However I did find 'key' -- I guess some kind of unique numerical ID however HELP description didn't help.


1. Do you think adding a keyword attribute that would mirror the keynote list would be useful? (I guess user could create a yes/no attribute to indicate whether item has keywords)

2. what the heck is 'key' attribute & what's a practical application for it?

11-08-2007, 04:05 PM

Is this being addressed by keywords pane in roadmap?

11-08-2007, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by janrif
2. what the heck is 'key' attribute & what's a practical application for it?
my guess is that you created it yourself and forgot about it, your senior moment? ;-)

11-08-2007, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by quant
my guess is that you created it yourself and forgot about it, your senior moment? ;-) Hmmmmm.... Quant, You've been waiting a long time w that one in your back pocket. But you're probably right. I just don't remember. ;-) I guess I'll do a search on key attribure & see what if anything comes up. If not, maybe I'll just delete it so I don't bump this thread 4 months from now.