View Full Version : Version 6.6

09-28-2007, 03:43 PM
Released on <b>September 28, 2007</b>


<li><B>Burn CD/DVD</B> action: Load disc (close tray) before burning if drive not ready.
<li><B>Copy Files</B> action: Support same source and destination path for flat move/copy (to flatten a folder with subfolders).
<li><B>FTP</B> action: Support servers with non-standard path/file naming conventions (such as VAX/VMS FTP servers) -- Add 'Do not use directory as reported by server' option to Server tab, don't include trailing backslash when changing directories, and don't include path when specifying remote filenames.
<li><B>Make VS.NET</B> action: Add support for Intel C++ compiler projects.
<li><B>Subversion</B> action: 1) Support all v1.4 subcommands; 2) Populate Subcommand drop-down list based on selected Executable.
<li><B>Write XML</B> action: Add option to update all matching nodes.
<li><B>GUI App</B>: Add FAQ item to Help menu.

<B>Bug Fixes</B>

<li><B>Transform Log</B> action: HTML log shows build failure instead of success if an earlier step invoked a failure step which called a subroutine and was configured to continue building.
<li><B>Make VS.NET</B> action: 1) Error if OutputPath entry not found in project file; 2) Action can't find MSBuild in some cases; 3) Environment variables in project filenames not expanded.
<li><B>PowerShell/Run Program</B> action: All PowerShell scripts and batch files with Pause command never complete.
<li><B>System script</B>: m in month name (i.e., September) replaced by month digit (i.e., Septe9ber) when using mmmm in vbld_FormatDateEx.