View Full Version : Curiosity questions: UR Internals

08-16-2007, 02:58 PM
These are nothing more than curiosity questions. I'm in the process of finding my way around learning about the different programming languages mainly C# and VC++ and their associated IDE's. I would like to pose these questions and hope that you are able to address them...

- Is UR a .NET or native win32 app?
- what language did you use to develop UR?
- What IDE did you use?
- What kind of controls are these different panes? Are they 3rd party, MFC, or MS provided?
- Is UR considered an MDI app? Are the tabs simply child windows and if so, can they be managed using standard windows operations like min, max, cascade, tile, etc...?
- From your experience, had UR been developed with something like C#.NET, would be able to perform as good as it does today?

Thank you

08-16-2007, 03:41 PM
- Native win32 app
- VC++
- Visual Studio
- all of the above (MS, MFC, 3rd party)
- MSDI (sort of a "combination" of both MDI and SDI)
- we did some initial prototyping in .NET (c#) but doubt similar performance could have been achieved with the .Net framework (along with other considerations).

08-16-2007, 04:11 PM
and, if it's not a secret, how many developers are actually working on UR?