View Full Version : v3.2 changes: request for clarification

08-08-2007, 09:57 AM
Dear Kinook,
can you please comment on these changes please...

1) Show combined note text for multiple selection if related option is enabled.

What is new about this feature?

2) Options to increase import/update performance:
- why did you decide to have this done via going to registery vs. GUI options dialogue?

3) Quick access to toggle common option...
- even though welcomed, I still think there is a better more efficient way to do I learned from using NetSnippets. Why not have user push, for example, a control key (or a combination) to override whatever is set in options.

4) why did you decide to implement this feature to refresh the copy tab when switching to it vs. having UR default to opening a blank one? What is the point from duplicating an existing tab when I want to create a new one?

Thank you

08-08-2007, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by cnewtonne
Dear Kinook,
can you please comment on these changes please...

1) Show combined note text for multiple selection if related option is enabled.

What is new about this feature?
Previous versions would show nothing instead of the combined text of Item Notes for multiple selection.

2) Options to increase import/update performance:
- why did you decide to have this done via going to registery vs. GUI options dialogue?

3) Quick access to toggle common option...
- even though welcomed, I still think there is a better more efficient way to do I learned from using NetSnippets. Why not have user push, for example, a control key (or a combination) to override whatever is set in options.
You can define keyboard shortcuts for your most common options and toggle them via a keyboard shortcut.

08-08-2007, 10:30 AM
sorry, I had re-edit my post to add this question ...

4) why did you decide to implement this feature to refresh the copy tab when switching to it vs. having UR default to opening a blank one? What is the point from duplicating an existing tab when I want to create a new one?

Also, being able to select import location is working fine with Firefox, global key, but NOT with OL? Can you please confirm on your end

08-08-2007, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by cnewtonne
4) why did you decide to implement this feature to refresh the copy tab when switching to it vs. having UR default to opening a blank one? What is the point from duplicating an existing tab when I want to create a new one?
I never understood this feature request. What is the point of the blank tab? I think it is redundant feature, cause at the end, the tab will have to point somewhere, so they just use the current one, plus ensure that it is refreshed in case the same item was edited ...

08-08-2007, 11:51 AM
it really boils down to this same logic browsers have i.e. to start a new content in a new tab. This is very different from duplicating a tab. For some reason, UR combined these 2 together and IMHO, they should be separated. It is risky and when you have 10 tabs open on average that way I do, you end up editing same item in multiple places without knowing. Yes, with the change in 3.2, tabs now refresh, but why even go there? Just let me either ...

- start a blank one then populate it with whatever I want.
- Or hold control key when clicking an item to have it start a new tab.
- or anything to that effect.

I did see this feature on their roadmap but seeing this change in 3.2 made me think they abandoned it. I hope not.

08-08-2007, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by cnewtonne
with the change in 3.2, tabs now refresh, but why even go there? Just let me either ...

- start a blank one then populate it with whatever I want.
- Or hold control key when clicking an item to have it start a new tab.
- or anything to that effect. Boy do I agree w this sentiment. There's no reason for the confusion caused by pre-populated new tab windows. And i hope we don't have to wait for 6 months for this to be changed. (new auto check for updates was set to 6 months by Kinook)

08-08-2007, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by cnewtonne
it really boils down to this same logic browsers have i.e. to start a new content in a new tab. This is very different from duplicating a tab. For some reason, UR combined these 2 together and IMHO, they should be separated. It is risky and when you have 10 tabs open on average that way I do, you end up editing same item in multiple places without knowing. Yes, with the change in 3.2, tabs now refresh, but why even go there?

well, probably the browser logic doesn't apply completely to UR. Tabs now refresh, so there is no risk now ... and I'd say no need for an empty tab ;-)

It's probably coming from the concept, any tab has to point somewhere in the database, when you create new UR file, it has to have one item, the root, it cannot be just empty. It would probably cause problems, if tabs could be void and point nowhere, don't know, just guessing. As it is now, it opens the new tab (and points to the same item by default), you can do what you want, it's just some psychological thing ;-) that you need empty tab as you are used from browsers

08-08-2007, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by janrif
Boy do I agree w this sentiment. There's no reason for the confusion caused by pre-populated new tab windows.
Are you really confused every time you duplicate the tab? Maybe Kinook could opt to default to root item, so that people are not "confused". Anyway, now that it is safe to have the same item in several tabs, ... there's nothing to be confused or scared of ;-)
Just do what you wanted to do with your new tab ... :)

08-08-2007, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by cnewtonne
4) why did you decide to implement this feature to refresh the copy tab when switching to it vs. having UR default to opening a blank one? What is the point from duplicating an existing tab when I want to create a new one?
Because there are other scenarios where you could end up with multiple tabs showing the same item. Ensuring that all tabs show the latest updates for the item handles these scenarios too.

Also, being able to select import location is working fine with Firefox, global key, but NOT with OL? Can you please confirm on your end
Yes, it was an oversight. The download has been updated with a fix for this issue.

08-08-2007, 12:44 PM
OL now works with this feature enabled. Thanks

08-08-2007, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by quant
Are you really confused every time you duplicate the tab? Maybe Kinook could opt to default to root item, so that people are not "confused". Anyway, now that it is safe to have the same item in several tabs, ... there's nothing to be confused or scared of ;-)
Just do what you wanted to do with your new tab ... :) Oh, ok.... you've caught me. I confess: I'm not really confused. I just find it confusing.

Maybe it is the psychological issue you refer to in another post &, if so, that doesn't necessarily make it un-important to the user.

I mean when everything is said & done: How difficult could it be to add an alternate function & keystroke to open an empty window?

08-08-2007, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by janrif
I mean when everything is said & done: How difficult could it be to add an alternate function & keystroke to open an empty window?
as I said, I think it's probably related to the database issue, that new tab has to point somewhere in the database, not like in the usual browsers that can point to nowhere. Kinook probably has a good reason why they've chosen this behavior, as I'm sure they would prefer to please the users if that were possible ;-)

08-08-2007, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by quant
as I said, I think it's probably related to the database issue, that new tab has to point somewhere in the database, not like in the usual browsers that can point to nowhere. Kinook probably has a good reason why they've chosen this behavior, as I'm sure they would prefer to please the users if that were possible ;-) Well, as I said: "How difficult could it be to add an alternate function & keystroke to open an empty window?" Kinook?

08-08-2007, 04:24 PM
Difficult, actually. If it was simple, we certainly would have done it. It's a tad more involved than just opening an empty window. The change we did make fixes the problem of a tab potentially showing out-of-date information (whether opened via New Tab or other means).

08-08-2007, 04:33 PM
just for curiosity,
does it have to do with the new blank tab not having any associations or pointers to the database as was mentioned earlier?

08-09-2007, 01:50 AM
Might I suggest that a new template item named with a reserved word "default template." No other template could have that name.

Now when I open a new tab, it opens a new instance of the default template.

Make it so I could have existing or new item as the default template, but once I have a default template in the Templates section, we're done.

Alternatively, and not being a programmer, I don't know which is easier to do, make a template attribute called "default." Make it so that only one of the templates can be designated default. Now when I open a new tab, let it open an instantiated item based on the default template.