View Full Version : cross-references

07-17-2007, 09:29 PM
I like the logical linking feature, except that the linked items are in the child items pane. This is fine sometimes, but other times I would like the reference to be right within the text of the item details pane (kind of like a hyperlink). I know that you can create a hyperlink in item details pane (by dragging and dropping an info item into the item details pane), but the problem with this is that if I change the name or location of the info item refered to, the hyperlink is not updated to reflect the change (unlike the logical links in the child items pane). Is there any way to place a logical link inside the text of the item details pane?

07-18-2007, 10:39 AM
An internal link will still work if the item is moved, but the link title will not currently be updated if the item is renamed.