View Full Version : Linking to an info item in an external UR database

04-26-2007, 07:31 PM
The Help file for the topic "Internal Linking" that...

"In addition to logically linking within the Data Explorer pane, internal links to other Info Items (in the same or other databases)..."

Exactly how do I do this?

I know I can select an info item from the data explorer while press the alt key and drag it to somewhere else on the data explorer

I know I can open two or more UR databases at the same time

But how can I link between two databases?

In a text info item, I did an "Insert Hyperlink" of some selected data and put in a the path of another .urd database, but all that does when I click on it is open the database. I want it to open it and go to the info item in the database.

Knowing this is important because I want to create other "reference" UR databases that other UR databases can link to.

04-26-2007, 10:23 PM
Copy/paste or drag/drop from the Data Explorer pane of the source database to the Item Details pane of a Text item in the destination database.

05-07-2007, 08:57 AM
So I do this and I will follow the link I get an error message !

Access denied !

Why ?


05-07-2007, 11:31 AM
UR ultimately calls the Windows ShellExecuteEx API on the item's URL. The equivalent to launch outside of UR would be to right-click on the external link, choose 'Hyperlink Properties,' copy/paste the File/URL value into the Windows Run dialog (Windows key+R) and press Enter. I'm not sure what conditions could cause Windows to give an access denied error rather than opening the URL.