View Full Version : What is this feature...

04-16-2007, 10:26 AM
During insitial installation, the setup screen has a selection under "Adtional Tasks" labled:
"Use Office rich edit control".

Can anyone tell me exactly what this option does?

The only referance to this in the current PDF manula is in the index but it erroniously points to page 8 where there is no mention of rich edit control. The online manual will not alow serching of phrases so I get hundreds of hits (none helpful) when I search for rich edit control.

Kinook, please correct your documentation.


04-16-2007, 02:47 PM
The "Use Office rich edit control" installation option will copy the latest riched20.dll file from your Office installation(s) to the Ultra Recall installation folder (for use by Ultra Recall).

Later versions of the riched20.dll control distributed with Office (of which there are many!) offer better display of advanced rtf features such as tables and other formatting (which would be a reason to check this option during installation).

Unfortunately some of the later riched20.dll files (all produced by Microsoft) are quite buggy and have been known to cause applications using them to behave unpredictably which is why the use of the latest version is optional -- if the installation option is not checked Ultra Recall will use the base system riched20.dll file, typically older and with less features, but stable with few "bugs".

You can search the forum for more details on the various rich edit control versions...

04-16-2007, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by kevina
Unfortunately some of the later riched20.dll files (all produced by Microsoft) are quite buggy and have been known to cause applications using them to behave unpredictably ...

another very good reason for using some free format for items?

04-16-2007, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by quant
another very good reason for using some free format for items?

What do you mean?

04-16-2007, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by SeanH
What do you mean?

any good reason to use buggy proprietary os dependent big rtf format as a base for items in UR? That was question to Kinook ...

04-17-2007, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by quant
any good reason to use buggy proprietary os dependent big rtf format as a base for items in UR? That was question to Kinook ...

Is there an open source text format that will give us more formatting choices (like bullited outlining) but won't bloat UR?

I wouldn't mind that either.