View Full Version : Bug when importing from Excel 2007

03-28-2007, 10:54 AM
This has happened on several occasions now. I import a .xlsx file and repeatedly get: The data area passed to a system call is too small.

The last few times I got out of it by closing UR in task manager and it was oK when I started it up again. This time, every time open the database and try to access an item I get the popup error message, which pops up again and again whenever I dismiss it and makes UR unusable. I just can't use my database at all now.

I've never had anything like this happen with a UR database before. It's the main database I rely on for all my work so I'd be really grateful for help on how to repair this.

03-28-2007, 11:28 AM
Eventually, by first going to an item not in the tree above the imported Excel item, I was able to view items in the database without the error pop-up and then, when I tried the affected item and the tree above it, I could access these items again.

Panic's over ... scary experience, though.

There does seem to be something wrong with importing documents like this. I can email the spreadsheet I was importing, if that would be any help, although I've tried it with a test database and it imported OK. I notice, however, that the text in the item pane is not complete, but when I open the stored document the full spreadsheet appears to be there.

03-28-2007, 03:01 PM
Please email the .xlsx file to support@kinook.com for our analysis.

03-29-2007, 04:28 PM
I can't reproduce the error message you received, although I can explain why very little (really no) plain text is retrieved from the document: currently our Excel parser only retrieves the string data from xlsx files, which doesn't include numbers, and the sample xlsx file provided almost exclusively contains numeric information.

We will add enhancing the xlsx parser to also include numbers (if keywording digits) to our feature request list.

If you encounter the "data area provided..." error again, please provide any details on how/when it occurs and we will try to reproduce and address it.