View Full Version : Two web page copies in the same folder

03-26-2007, 11:39 AM
When recreating the inconsistent behaviour of the "Add webpage (copy) to UltraRecall" for Kinook support, I wondered if it is possible to hold two copies of a web page with the same name and the same contents in the same folder. I don't see why that shouldn't be the case, but I can't make it happen, and I can't work out if that's due to the problems I've reported or if it's "normal". I know UR is working on top of a database and that it may not allow two records with the same "name".

Can anybody tell me if two copies of a web page in the same folder with the same name are possible? If not, then may I make a request that UR gives a "web page already exists" or similar message, rather than just peeping and pretending that a copy has been made?


03-26-2007, 11:50 AM
it's possible ... just uncheck the option "create logically linked items for Duplicate URLs" in the option setting

In general, it's a good idea to go through the whole options setting to see what can UR do ...

03-26-2007, 12:47 PM
Much obliged.

I promise I read the manual from cover to cover, but things arise during use that one didn't notice at the time, and I couldn't find an answer in the help file (it may be there - I just didn't find it :-) )