View Full Version : linking task to contact

03-15-2007, 07:46 AM
OK, so here's the situation:

I have contact X, tel #, email, etc. in contact group
I create a task r/c to contact x begin date = tomorrow begin time 11:00am. I set a reminder 15 minutes so should come up @ 10:45am

But I don't have tel # in task so I link to contact by
focus on task <ALT>L link scroll until I find contact & <enter>
task now indicates shortcut but clicking on task doesn't jump to contact.

What did I do wrong or how should I have set up this common task? Thank you.

03-15-2007, 08:18 AM
There are millions of way how this can be done ...

Why dont you just create wiki type link inside of task description. Go first to your contact, crtl+c and then inside task write:

"Call " and press ctrl+v

03-15-2007, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by quant
There are millions of way how this can be done ...

Why dont you just create wiki type link inside of task description. Go first to your contact, crtl+c and then inside task write:

"Call " and press ctrl+v pretty simple but since there are a million ways, what's another approach?

03-16-2007, 10:22 AM

I know three possibilities:
- wiki link like described above
- Alt + L
- Copy & Paste (creates a locical link on my laptop)
