View Full Version : Losing Search

02-23-2007, 04:06 PM
I'm trying out UR (2.0e), and suddenly I find I cannot use Search. Normally I would press Ctrl+Shift+F, but nothing happens when I do this. I try Edit > Search, and again nothing happens.

Is there some way I could have accidentally disabled this function?



02-23-2007, 06:27 PM
Try Tools | Compact & Repair, check Repair database + Reset all system information to defaults, then click OK. This should restore the missing Search system item.

Can you recall how this item was deleted? If you can provide any information on the sequence you might have used, we will investigate and prevent this from recurring (we can't reproduce this issue). Either post the steps here or email them to support@kinook.com.

02-23-2007, 06:47 PM
Thanks. That worked!

Unfortunately, I cannot recall the steps preceding this. All I recall is that at one point, I could not search.
