View Full Version : Importing from OL yields Document Item type

02-06-2007, 07:06 PM
When the UR 2.0e buttons in OL 2003 are used, either link or copy, they create a document Item type in UR. I thought that for appointments it created a calendar type with all of the date and time information. I am unable to manualy change it to a calendar item type now.

I am not sure what has changed now that this is happening. I am pretty sure that previously UR created the appointment template type for OL appointments.



02-07-2007, 05:16 PM
Is .msg in the File extensions to keyword: list found at Tools | Options | Import <tab>?

This is required in version 2.0e for Ultra Recall to discern the type of Outlook object being imported (not required in the 3.0 beta).

To become a beta test of Ultra Recall version 3.0, send an email to support@kinook.com with a request.

02-08-2007, 12:12 PM
Thank you for the quick reply. Yes the .msg extension is there as well as the following ones:

.txt;.rtf;.doc;.xls;.xlt;.ppt;.htm;.html;.eml;.nws ;.msg;.mht;.xml;.hlp;.pdf;.zip

I am running version 2.0e at the moment.

Is .msg used for the Appointment type?