View Full Version : Version 2.0

05-22-2006, 07:44 AM
Released on <b>May 22, 2006</b>

<b>New Features</b>
<li>Open multiple items in tabs.
<li>Open multiple databases in tabs (via Document toolbar).
<li>Favorites toolbar.
<li>Run from USB (Pro version only).
<li>Link/move/copy dialog (Tree | Link/Move or Alt+L).
<li>Jump/navigate to item dialog (Tree | Jump or Alt+J).
<li>Separate into Pro and Standard versions.
<li>Copy item launch command-line to clipboard (Item | Copy Item Command-line or Ctrl+Shift+I) for easier integration with MindManager and other applications.
<li>Directly import file at the selected tree item (right-click in tree, Import Files and Tree | Import Files).
<li>Rename an item from selected text (F2 in detail rich text and browser panes and Item | Rename To | Selected Text or Shift+F2 elsewhere).
<li>Rename an item to current date, time or date+time (Item | Rename To menu).
<li>Options for whether to use document title or filename as item title when syncing files (Tools | Options | Import (More) | Use document title for item title if available) and whether to use page title or URL as item title when syncing web pages (Tools | Options | Import (More) | Use page title for item title if available).
<li>Option for alphabetic/manual tree sorting in tree by default (Tools | Options | Trees | Alphabetically sort when adding children to new items).
<li>Option to use same window position for multiple databases (Tools | Options | General | Use same window position for additional databases).
<li>Lock searches from modifications.
<li>File | Save persists modified external temporary file for current item into UR.
<li>Option during install to copy Office rich edit control to UR installation path if available.

<li>Support six custom window layouts instead of two (View | Layout menu / toolbar button).
<li>Syncing imported folder item adds new files and folders (Pro version only).
<li>Search: 1) Add Quick Search option to search titles only; 2) Add search option to match whole words; 3) Use text of search for title when copying quick search; 4) Make limited searches return limited Indent Level and Lineage values.
<li>Reminders: 1) Add a Snooze All button to the Reminder Dialog; 2) Add option for whether to activate Reminder dialog when reminder comes due (Tools | Options | Search/Reminder).
<li>Put Calendar in a docking pane.
<li>Support move and link between trees and from search results.
<li>Add context menu items in internal browser to import into UR.
<li>Add Maximize/Restore and context menu buttons to docking panes.
<li>Edit | Insert Date+Time (Alt+Z) inserts date+time into tree when focused.
<li>Remember all open databases and reopen on restart.
<li>Support user entry of Recurring attribute values (i.e., 2 weeks, 4 months, etc.).
<li>Keywording: 1) Keyword additional symbols (#, $, %, &); 2) Make max keyworded document size user-configurable (Tools | Options | Import | Maximum document size to keyword).
<li>Import Notes field from Outlook items to Item Notes attribute.
<li>Allow Task/Appointment item conversion back to Text template.
<li>Persist last attribute selections in export wizard.
<li>GTD sample.

<b>Bug fixes</b>
<li>Don't flash main window at startup if set to start minimized.
<li>Inter-database move deletes wrong items from source database when dragging non-selected items.
<li>Syncing a file caused the Date Modified attribute to get changed to Jan. 1, 1899.
<li>Set focus to item list in Reminder dialog when showing so that typing space won't dismiss (click focused button).
<li>Item Text attribute doesn't return any text for Outlook type items (Appointment/Task).
<li>Correctly handle rich text item saved as Word document after editing in Word.
<li>Insert missing encoding into stored HTML page (for proper display of selection copied from Firefox).
<li>With Thunderbird configured as the default mail client, importing .eml files import incorrectly.
<li>Searching: 1) Error when searching on Lineage equals; 2) System attribute "Exists" and "Equals Null" searches don't work as expected; 3) NULL Begin Date value with populated Begin Time value caused erroneous Pending Reminder value; 4) Advanced search grid sometimes shows phantom value criteria for exists rows; 5) Attribute not equal to Yes comparison not equivalent to attribute equals No.
<li>Error when importing or copying items with title beginning with a single quote.
<li>Exporting and re-importing NULL time attributes to CSV resulted in 12:00 times on import.
<li>XML import of OPML files can create items with no icon.
<li>Keyboard shortcut and options customizations were layout-specific.
<li>Reminder sound doesn't find relative filename correctly.
<li>Handle and repair item linked to itself.
<li>Error updating access date when creating temporary file for large stored document.
<li>Changing from the Appointment to another template leaves partial reminder attributes.
<li>Auto-hidden search pane shown when going to Quick Search item.
<li>Item title based on URL not unencoded.
<li>Item icon not updated in detail pane on change in item attributes pane; ampersands in Item Title not displayed properly in some locations.
<li>Reminder dialog not refreshed when read-only database closed.
<li>Updating Access Count attribute to non-numeric value causes error message.