View Full Version : Thunderbird .eml files not working

03-28-2006, 04:38 PM
I'm a new user. Using UR 1.4d and Thunderbird 1.5.

I Save an email as .eml. I can double-click the resulting file and it opens fine in Tbird.

I can import the message, and it appears to import properly (the item shows the right number of keywords and they are found when searching), but the following problems arise:

double-clicking the "Click here to open stored document" link in the imported item brings up a dialog to choose the application. I choose Thunderbird, nothing happens.

The item is named "Document" no matter what the title of the email or the .eml file is?

How can I import these properly so the link to open in the mail client works?

03-29-2006, 09:28 AM
Testing on Windows 2000 w/ Thunderbird 1.5, a Thunderbird-generated .eml file imported correctly into UR as a message (displayed in UR's MIME or HTML viewer depending on its contents with title equal to message's subject). It sounds like your .eml file is not parsed as a text document rather than a MIME message by UR since it doesn't display in MIME viewer and has a default title. Can you ZIP and post or send:
1) The info from Help | About | Install Info
2) The .eml file
3) The .urd file with the imported message

Also, after associating the eml extension with Thunderbird (via Windows Explorer -> Tools | Folder Options | File Types), Item | Open Document (Ctrl+J) in UR opens the imported message in Thunderbird in our tests. Does the file export from UR (File | Export | Documents) with a .eml extension? Does Item | Show Explorer Menu | Open With | Thunderbird (browsing to exe if needed) open it in TB? Thanks.

03-29-2006, 12:34 PM
Yes, as I said above... the email which is saved with the .eml extension can be double-clicked and opens fine in Thunderbird as a message. Just as it should. So the associations are correct. I will send samples and info requested... thanks!

03-29-2006, 12:39 PM
Here is the info requested to check out the .eml problem. Can you delete this message after you have grabbed the zip file?

Two other things:

I am running Windows XP Pro with Thunderbird 1.5

My trial version of UR switched to view only after just a few days-- can it be extended somehow? My email is chris [AT] chrislott.org

03-29-2006, 12:44 PM
OK, so I can't post the file because the db is too big and my eval copy is in view only mode so I can't delete a couple of big PDFs I was testing with. Can I send it via email? And if so, to which address? I am attaching the UR install info and .eml file here.

03-29-2006, 02:42 PM
We'll send you a key to reset the eval period.