View Full Version : How to create a .net build command line

Bill O
06-17-2003, 01:28 PM
Is there an example of a .net build command where the project does not have a .sln file but the project is specified? The projects that I am trying to build are VC6, I used a conversion script to convert the .dsp into a .vcproj and now I need to know if I have my build command correct. This is the command line that I am trying to use:

%DEVENV_NET% "C:\Dev_Area\Projects\SpObj\SpAMCWObject\ SpAMCWObject PS\ SpAMCWObject PS.vcproj" /build Release /project "C:\Dev_Area\Projects\SpObj\SpAMCWObject\ SpAMCWObject PS\ SpAMCWObject PS.vcproj"

Thank you,

Bill O.

06-18-2003, 07:25 AM
The easiest way would be to just use a Make VS.NET step, specifying the .vcproj file there; it will invoke devenv as needed (you can check the 'display command-line' option on the Options tab to see the command-line it actually constructs).

The devenv flags are also documented here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vsintro7/html/vxgrfCommandLineSwitches.asp