View Full Version : keyword lineage

07-20-2005, 11:07 AM
It would be helpful to include all words in the Lineage attribute as keywords to enable searching on these terms in Quick Search, rather than having to do an Advanced Search with Lineage criteria.

07-20-2005, 05:26 PM
I'm not sure that would be the desired behaviour for all users, at a minimum it would need to be a user-configurable option. In addition, quick searches are highly indexed, adding the lineage data (dynamically) would definitely reduce the performance (not sure without testing how much).

We will consider your request and determine if it is general purpose/simple/efficient enough to add to future version of Ultra Recall.

07-20-2005, 10:00 PM
I'd have to agree that this should be user-configurable at best. The problem, as I see it, would be that way too many extraneous items would be returned in a quick search if lineage were keywords on every item.

07-21-2005, 03:45 AM
Well, I guess this cuts both ways. If the item you are actually looking for has a lot of descendants, you might also end up getting all of that item's descendants (assuming your search terms contained only words in that item's title).

If what you are looking for is many levels down (towards or at the end of a branch), then its Lineage tells you a lot about that item and you risk missing it in a Quick Search because the Lineage is not keyworded.

My problem is that when I search, the results include tons of items that I DON'T want (eg, web pages that contain tons of extraneous keywords that aren't very relevant) but don't include the items that I DO want (eg, items whose lineage tells me a lot about what it is). In my UR usage, words contained in the lineage are usually as significant or MORE significant than words contained in the item text.

Maybe rather than keyword the lineage, add an option at the bottom of the Search Item Details along with the other options which will also search for the search term in the Lineage attribute.

In the meantime, I can do this manually by creating an Advanced Search where (eg, for a 2 term search):
(Item) contains keywords word1 word2
-->OR Lineage matches wildcard *word1*
-->AND Lineage matches wildcard *word2*

But it is too much of a pain to set that up every time I want to search.

btw, a search results relevance ranking feature would eliminate the problem of having too many search results, but I realize that is much more complicated to implement.

07-21-2005, 05:34 PM
Yes, I thought about this some more and I can see how in some cases (depending on the search), the lineage offers valuable information about what you might be trying to find.

Maybe a checkbox at the bottom of the quick search screen for "Include lineage (slower)" would do the trick.