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Old 04-05-2024, 08:04 PM
djmallinson djmallinson is online now
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Originally Posted by djmallinson View Post
I got this on 3/27/2024 using dropbox to share the file between different machines. The backup from 3/26/2024 is good. I suspect dropbox may have deleted the journal. This error occurred only when i compact/repaired the database so it has been that way for a week. i have nightly backups so the last good one was 3/26/2024. I've tried the repair utililty and sqldiff and so on nothing seems to work.
update to my last post - none of the suggested fixes worked (and nor did sqldiff or compare, the SQL was generated but failed due to database constrains when I tried to apply the SQL dump or diff) so I worked my way back in time through the daily acronis backups and found the last good backup was on 3/26/2024. The corrupted database (error: disk image in malformed) would still open ok and there were no symptoms until I decided to do a compact then I got the error. Hence it took me a week to see the error. Then I ran a query to see everything that had got created modifed or deleted since 3/16/2024 and re-added them to the last know good backup copy. This was laborious but worked. If you guys have a better fix I can supply the malformed file. There should be an earlier integrity check when opening the file so the issue can be detected earlier but there were no symptoms until I did a compact a week later.
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