Thread: Flags
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Old 03-13-2007, 06:59 AM
janrif janrif is offline
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Join Date: 07-08-2005
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Originally posted by Daly de Gagne
Here, for example, is help-file speak that is meaningless to me: [/snip]
Cranky, I agree & mentioned this a while back. The problem is the info is all there; help is very comprehensive but sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for & the descriptions assume you understand UR lingo. Ultimately that's not much help, There are flash demos for some functions that are quite useful, more under construction.

When you name the flag, put a dash, brackets or whatever you want after the color & add your descriptive label. Then click ok. The next time you look at the flag list you should see the label next to the color.

Flags are part of the "system" attribute group, i.e. permanent attributes that cannot be deleted. However, in the case of flags, the values, i.e. what they stand for can be altered as described earlier.

Ripping off a toolbar: On the main menu, if you click Tools | Customize, you will see that all menus, etc can be customized. Also all mini toolbars, i.e. web, format, search, etc can be moved around, removed or altered by removing buttons you aren't going to use. Put your cursor on the grab bar (small line at head of each mini-toobar) & drag around or off the toolbar lines.

It seems the entire GUI can be customized to your liking. And different views can be set under View | Layouts so you can jump from layout to layout.

Daly, this is the kind of program you will have to invest some time in to use. If you don't have the time, that's one thing but it you do, I think you will find it's quite well designed.

Could it be explained easier? Sure. But I think the Kinook folk are trying to do that with their demos, etc. & they are very responsive to questions. HTH

Last edited by janrif; 03-13-2007 at 07:04 AM.
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