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Old 05-12-2006, 09:47 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally posted by Dave_Novak
Even in your example, I get the following output in my log file:
Are you referring to the Output pane or the log file? In my tests, the log file has:

5/12/2006 8:40:22 AM: --------------------Starting Build: 'C:\disablelogging.bld'--------------------
5/12/2006 8:40:22 AM: Building project step 'Project steps'...
5/12/2006 8:40:22 AM: Building project step 'Conditional'...
Step 'Conditional' build rule evaluates false: %BLAH% is defined
5/12/2006 8:40:22 AM: Step skipped
5/12/2006 8:40:22 AM: Building project step 'More'...
5/12/2006 8:40:22 AM: Build successfully completed.

The Output pane currently displays all logging events; we'll consider providing a way to filter/limit the ouptut in this view in a future release.

The logging just seems to be way too verbose. I don't understand the purpose of having a "Log Message" step that is written to the log file as both "Building project step..." and then my output. Is there no concept of "Log Level" whereby I can turn off the step tracing? Is there any way for me to disable step tracing?
Not with the built-in text logger (we'll consider adding such a capability). A couple of options:
1) Use XML logging, then the Transform XML log action to generate an HTML log report. You can customize the contents of the report via the action properties and/or using a custom XSLT stylesheet.

2) Create your own custom logging component that only writes the output you're interested in seeing.
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