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Old 04-19-2023, 12:11 AM
Spliff Spliff is online now
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Join Date: 04-07-2021
Posts: 210
My very first question above was much more detailed; I then discovered the ^a (which I had simply overlooked in all my elaborate tries), then replaced my question as above.

But I then discovered this was premature: In fact, control-a works fine for the siblings indeed, and that even when they are in a list which is broken up by further sub-items.

But then, HOW to "select all visible here" then? I simply don't get it, and I suppose that currently, there is NO such shortcut? Let's have:

A) (all expanded)
0 (parent-item)
_1 (1st level-1 sib)
_2 (2nd level-1 sib)
00 (another parent-item)

B) (all expanded)
0 (parent-item)
_1 (1st level-1 sib)
__1a (first level-2 sib beneath _1)
__1b (second level-2 sib beneath _1)
_2 (2nd level-1 sib)
__2a (first level-2 sib beneath _2)
__2b (second level-2 sib beneath _2)
_3 (3rd level-1 sib)
00 (another parent-item)

Both in A) and B), 0 is selected; then, {right} or {down} will select _1, then, in A), ^a will select both siblings, and similar in B), ^a will select all sibs, i.e. _1, _2, and _3, but I would like to find a way to either select the whole "0" subtree, as far as it is displayed.

Either a) including the "0" parent-item itself, or b) just everything beneath; I suppose that a) is both preferable from the user's point of view, and much simpler to implement?

So, instead of "select all siblings" (which is available by ^a), I'm looking out for a "select all", understood that this "all" just comprises the current item ("0" here) and all displayed = currently visible child and further-down descendance items (here down to _3, but not including a possible = not visible ____2aa).

In other words, it would be a combination of "the parent", and then, recursively, "all siblings", as far as they are currently displayed, or, from the "parent", "GO next sibling" (of the parent that is), but with "Shift"= "extend selection", and then again a single {up} (the selection being preserved, but without its very last line, the "00" here), since we don't want to select but "everything visible beneath" the first parent, not also the second parent, which will just have served as a line pole.

I hope that could be technically quite easy? Since I understand we can do this "by hand", just by an extensive {down}, with {shift} held down. But it would be immensely convenient that is!
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